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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is simply the ability to manage your emotions and that of others. It encompasses the awareness of emotions, harnessing them and applying them to tasks and problem solving. People with emotional intelligence find it easier to form and maintain interpersonal relationships. They are better at recognizing and understanding their mental state with personal and social skills or competencies.

Being sensitive to other people’s feelings is an important part of being a leader. Your team matters to you and you want to make sure that you get them to perform tasks in the way they are able to. See a few emotional intelligence tips that help you become a better leader:

Be a manager

You need to be self-aware, it helps you to understand your feelings and how they affect others so you know when to adjust accordingly. You need to learn how to manage people; a manager is resilient and able to keep adequate control of heightened situations. You want to be someone that people can look up to in a moment of crisis because; they know you can handle it. A good manager focuses on their long term goals regardless of whatever stumbling blocks they might meet along the way.

In the same vein, emotional intelligence requires you as a manager to have empathy towards others. You need to understand their feelings and perspectives, which helps you to look at various things objectively. It is a learned skill, so try to regulate your actions along the way to benefit yourself and others emotionally.

Read more

Pick up random books and read about different things. It creates a feeling of having a conversation with people whose IQ are high; maybe even higher than yours. Make efforts to engage in discussions with people who inspire you. It really is simple – just read.

Actively listen

This is not an innate ability, but you will have to learn it to be emotionally intelligent. Consciously listen to other people’s grievances and issues, without waiting for them to finish so you can talk. It takes a lot of willpower and hard work to see things through other people’s eyes but when you do, things get better. Listening actively also allows for positive results like compassion and empathy.

Learn from mistakes

Nobody is perfect, so don’t be hard on yourself when you make mistakes. Simply learn from them. You might have misconstrued something your subordinate said and reacted adversely to it when they hadn’t meant it in the way you have interpreted it. It is very crucial that you do not forget to learn from these missteps as a second occurrence shows a lack of empathy towards the other person. Write down your mistakes, figure out what you did wrong, what could make it better and learn from it.

Lifelong learning

Do not stop learning. The digital market is filled with resources available from anywhere you choose, use them. Do you have new challenges? Were there certain issues in the work place you wished you had handled better? What better ways are there to react to certain happenings? You could also visit our page to book a session. Research these topics for the slightest knowledge about them. The internet remains everyone’s learning environment.