CV/Cover Letter Upgrade & LinkedIn Profile Optimisation

You need a top-quality and an achievement-based CV, Cover Letter and LinkedIn Profile that attracts prospective Recruiters, Head-hunters and Hiring Managers, and increases your interview chances. Send a copy of your CV to us and one of our experienced reviewers will help upgrade it to ensure it is viewed more positively.

We will also write your Cover Letter from scratch and optimise your LinkedIn Profile which will result in more views, more interview invites, and more job opportunities.

We know what recruiters want and can help craft a unique profile that stands you out from the crowd. Our process involves learning about your core skills, achievements, qualifications and aspirations.  

Standard turnaround time is 3-5 working days but we can deliver within 24 hours. 

Entry-Level, Mid-Level, Senior-Level and Executive-Level Services

The Entry-Level Service is for professionals with 0-5 years’ experience. The Mid-Level Service is for professionals with 6-10 years’ experience. The Senior-Level Service is for professionals with 11-20 years’ experience, while the Executive-Level Service is for professionals with over 20 years experience. We pen your achievements, skills, and experience to paper to align with your career aspirations or next move. It involves:

  • An Initial Consultation
  • Keyword Placement to beat Application Tracking System
  • Personalised Advisory Service
  • FREE guide for career development 
DescriptionCost (VAT Inclusive)
CVEntry-Level: N15,000 ($50)
Mid-Level: N20,000 ($75) 
Senior-Level: N25,000 ($100)
Executive-Level: N35,000 ($125)
Cover LetterEntry-Level: N15,000 ($50)
Mid-Level: N20,000 ($75) 
Senior-Level: N25,000 ($100)
Executive-Level: N35,000 ($125)
LinkedIn Profile OptimisationEntry-Level: N15,000 ($50)
Mid-Level: N20,000 ($75) 
Senior-Level: N25,000 ($100)
Executive-Level: N35,000 ($125)
Full PackageEntry-Level: N30,000 ($100)
Mid-Level: N50,000 ($200) 
Senior-Level: N60,000 ($250)
Executive-Level: N80,000 ($300)

Get FREE Interview Prep Guide (for Entry-Level & Mid-Level) and FREE Corporate Storytelling Guide (for Senior-Level & Executive-Level).

Express Service (24 hours): Additional fee of N10,000 for each service; and N25,000 for Full Package service.

Send an email with your current CV in word format to after payment.

Business Plan Writing Service

A good business plan describes your business strategy and lays a foundation for success for your business. It can be used to help convince investors and banks to invest in your business. It covers an executive summary, an elevator pitch, products or services, competitor analysis, pricing strategy, marketing and sales strategy, and a financial forecast. Contact us for an investor ready, detailed and comprehensive Business Plan with 5 Year Financial Plan to clarify your ideas or wow investors. Service charge is  N100,000 ($500).

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